Why You Should Not Skip Leg Day?

Why You Should Not Skip Leg Day?

"Pillars are responsible for the strong foundation of any building" - Fitourney.

It's often said, "Never skip leg day." Yet, many individuals are inclined to neglect leg exercises in favour of upper-body workouts.

Fitourney recommends you follow a workout schedule that supports a balanced body, which includes having a strong and stable foundation.

Why is Leg Day Essential?

The strength of a building lies in its pillars. In the same vein, the leg muscles act as the body's pillars, crucial for strength, speed, and stability.

Achieving balance and stability in your physique necessitates robust leg muscles, and this can't be attained if you solely prioritise the upper body.

Our legs are powered by the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. Engaging these muscles with exercises like deadlifts, squats, and lunges can greatly enhance athletic performance. However, remember not to overtrain; doing so can lead to muscle soreness and hamper overall results.

Leg muscles are important for a strong and stable foundation. That is why one should never skip a leg day.

When you should skip it?

While it's essential not to neglect any muscle group, overtraining can result in muscle soreness, spasms, or even injuries. A balanced workout regime is vital.

Although it's often said, "Never skip leg day," it's also crucial to recognise when to take a brief hiatus. If you're experiencing muscle soreness or a potential injury, it may be wise to give leg day a miss.

If mild symptoms like a runny nose, cough, or sore throat accompany a cold, you can still exercise, but with reduced intensity. However, in cases of fever, chest congestion, fatigue, and pronounced muscle pain, it's best to abstain from exercising. Resting during such times can expedite recovery.

What are the benefits of a leg workout?

Leg muscles contribute a major part of your body, which helps to improve your overall body and support healthy movement patterns in your daily life.

A strong lower body will also help prevent injury and manage chronic conditions such as arthritis and osteoporosis.

Here are some benefits of training leg muscles:

  • Stimulates hormones.
  • Build a strong foundation of the body.
  • Strengthen core muscles.
  • Tone and sculpt leg muscles.
  • Promotes weight loss by burning a good amount of calories.
  • Strengthen bones and helps to reduce joint pain.
  • Boost cognitive functions.
  • Alleviate lower back pain.
  • Create a balanced, aligned and symmetric body.
  • Improve posture.
  • Helps to reduce stress.
  • Improve mobility, stability and strength.
  • Gives functional strength which helps to improve daily movements.


Legs are an important muscle group in our body. An individual aiming for overall development should design or adopt a workout regime which includes upper-body and lower-body workouts.

It is perfectly fine to skip a day if you feel low with sickness or tiredness. Make a plan for making up time if you feel stressed or guilty about missing a day. It is all about balancing the workout.