5 Home Moves For Toned Buttocks

5 Home Moves For Toned Buttocks

If you believe you can't achieve toned buttocks with a home workout, think again.

By leveraging your body weight intelligently, you can sculpt a shapely rear. Here are the five most effective exercises to help you achieve your dream buttocks.

For best results, perform 2 sets of each exercise with 12 to 15 repetitions. Allow 45 seconds to 1 minute of rest between each set.

Stationary lunges


  • Begin by standing straight, one leg positioned forward.
  • Lower your body until your knees are close to the ground, then return to the starting position.
  • Maintain a slightly arched back throughout the exercise.

Glute kicks


  • Start by kneeling in a box position and placing your hands under the shoulder.
  • Make sure to keep your back in an arched position.
  • Drive the heel towards the ceiling, squeezing the glutes at the top of the motion and returning to the neutral position.
  • Keep your abdominals tight throughout the whole exercise.

Sumo squats


  • Start with your feet 8-10 inches wider than your shoulders and point your toe at a 45-degree angle.
  • Try seating by bending your knees, and sticking your butt back.
  • Keep your back flat, core tight and knees behind your toes.
  • Don’t lock your knees until you complete all your repetitions.



  • Choose a stable surface, such as a chair or box, that's roughly knee height.
  • Plant one foot onto the surface, lift your body and then return to the starting position.
  • Keep your back slightly arched throughout the movement.



  • Begin by lying on your back and placing your feet on the ground.
  • Create a 45-degree angle with your knees, tighten your core and bring your hip up to create a straight line between your knees and your shoulder.
  • Hold this for 3-5 seconds then relax by returning your pelvis to the ground.
  • Keep your back always tight.