How Does A Crash Diet Crash Your Fitness?

How Does A Crash Diet Crash Your Fitness?

A crash diet may indeed help you to lose weight quickly but they might crash land you in the field of fitness.

Cortisol is a glucocorticoid hormone that our adrenal glands produce and release.
Cortisol is a glucocorticoid hormone that our adrenal glands produce and release.

How The Cortisol Hormone Is Bad For You?

In the midst of our chaotic lives, we often find ourselves grappling with various stressors, be they financial or psychological, and these stressors can significantly impact our health.

General Yet Important Benefits Of Exercise

Exercising regularly is the best investment that anyone can make for their health. It has tremendous benefits, from elevating your mood to providing a sense of energised well-being. It may also benefit you in reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

Why Do Seniors Need To Exercise?

Exercise plays a pivotal role in promoting a healthy life.

Regardless of whether you're an adult or a senior citizen, a consistent exercise routine is crucial for maintaining health and vitality.

How Excessive Intake Of Salt Affects Your Body

How Excessive Intake Of Salt Affects Your Body

Salt is a staple in most kitchens. This essential mineral, primarily composed of sodium chloride, plays a vital role in our diets by maintaining fluid balance, ensuring proper nerve function, and facilitating muscle contraction.

Have You Ever Considered Your Body Fat Percentage?

When we discuss health and fitness, everyone starts discussing their body weight. We all regularly track our body weight, but how many of us focus on the composition of that body weight?

Is Running Every Day Good For Your Health?

Getting in shape doesn't have to come with a hefty price tag; there's a simple and accessible way to make a positive impact on your health—running. Regardless of your fitness level, anyone can begin reaping the benefits of this common form of exercise.

Fit At 40s: Weight Training Tips

Weight training stands as a beacon for those aspiring to combat ageing and remain youthful, fitter and vibrant through their 40s, 50s, 60s and well beyond.

How To Sleep Better?
How To Sleep Better?

How To Sleep Better?

Sleep is a vital component of our lives. We spend almost one-third of our time getting a good sleep. Its significance is paramount, comparable to the necessities of food and water.