Why Is Proper Breathing Important While Exercising?

Why Is Proper Breathing Important While Exercising?

Most of the time, when we exercise, our attention is on the burn in our muscles and the resistance we're pushing against. Breathing often becomes an afterthought, something we notice only when we're gasping for air.

Breathing is fundamental to life. Our bodies rely on oxygen to function, and when we exercise, our oxygen demand surges. Despite this, we tend to sideline breathing, focusing instead on the physical challenge of the workout.

Overlooking proper breathing can impede our exercise results.

Why is proper breathing important during a workout?

Oxygen is a must for our body to function properly. When we exercise, our body’s oxygen consumption increases because it is now working harder. A healthy breathing pattern ensures that your organs and tissues receive enough oxygen, helping you perform at your best.

Improper breathing while exercising causes:

  • Diminished exercise performance.
  • Delay in muscle recovery.
  • Puts your health at risk.
  • Elevate your blood pressure.

Common breathing mistakes people make during exercise:

Holding the breath: It's easy to lose track of our breathing during high-intensity workouts or when lifting heavy weights. Neglecting to breathe properly can lead to issues like significant blood pressure spikes, hampering both intra-workout and post-workout recovery.

Not regulating breathing: Every exercise, be it weight lifting, cardio, or other forms, depends on consistent breathing. Regulated breathing ensures a steady oxygen supply, which is essential for optimal performance. On the other hand, unsteady, short and heavy breathing can stress the body.

How to breathe while working out?

Proper breathing is crucial for our body, no matter what kind of workout we are doing.

Knowing when to inhale and exhale during exercise is usually more important for weightlifting or resistance training. Whereas, how to breathe consistently is crucial while doing cardio like running, sprinting etc.

When to inhale and exhale while weightlifting?

It is important to breathe in and out during any activity, but lifting weights is where you can get the most systematic about it.

  • Exhale slowly on the concentric stage (when you are lifting anything against gravity, or when your muscle is under tension).
  • Inhale slowly on the eccentric stage (when you release the weight).

How do you breathe consistently during cardio?

For aerobic exercises, consistent breathing is the key. Activities like running or cycling require a sustained, rhythmic oxygen supply to generate the necessary energy. Your endurance largely depends on how well-conditioned you are, and this conditioning relies heavily on efficient oxygen delivery to your muscles.


The quality of our workouts hinges on our breathing patterns. Correct inhalation and exhalation not only enhance exercise efficiency but also guard against health complications like hypertension. Regardless of the workout type, a consistent breathing rhythm is essential for optimal outcomes and overall health.

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