How Does Swimming Help To Lose Weight?

How Does Swimming Help To Lose Weight?

When someone decides to lose weight, the first thing they do is start jogging or running or join a gym.

But do you know that swimming is also a good exercise to lose fat?

Swimming as an aerobic exercise, is better than any other form of aerobic exercise like running. It has minimal impact, which is better for your joints and helps you to prevent injuries.

Swimmers can achieve the same weight loss benefits as runners without placing stress on their joints, thus making it a good exercise for individuals with knee and ankle injuries.

So, how you can implement swimming to lose weight?

Take a swim class: Consider taking a swim class as technique plays a crucial role in achieving your goals without injuries. It helps you to achieve your goals quickly and injury-free. Before you start swimming, it is recommended to learn proper stroke techniques. Contact any club or institute for information on swimming lessons.

Start gradually: It is crucial to start anything gradually for consistency. Start swimming for 15-20 minutes on alternate days. Then gradually increase to 30 minutes or you can swim for 5 days once you get consistent. For beginners, high-intensity swimming may lead to muscle soreness and fatigue, which could discourage you from continuing.

Swim empty stomach: Swim on an empty stomach if you are focusing on fat loss. Performing aerobic exercises, including swimming, on an empty stomach helps your body utilise stored fat for energy.

Swim with intensity: Swimming is an excellent aerobic exercise that burns a significant number of calories due to the elevated heart rate, even if you are at a beginner level. Once you improve your swimming skills, you become more efficient and your heartbeat does not elevate as much.

Be consistent: Consistency is the key. For weight loss, the more consistently active you are, the better results you will achieve. This principle applies to various forms of exercise, such as running, cycling, or swimming.

Follow diet: When you aim to lose weight, calorie deficit matters a lot. Always remember calorie deficit does not mean skipping your meals. Your body needs all the nutrients to perform daily. Even swimming will consume a lot of energy, so do not forget to refuel that energy with a quality meal.


Swimming is the best cardio exercise for those who find running, jogging or cycling boring. It will help you to achieve your weight loss goal with safe and injury-free joints. In addition to weight loss, swimming also helps to strengthen the heart.

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