How Does Plank Exercise Make Your Core Strong?

How Does Plank Exercise Make Your Core Strong?

Fitourney says "Crunches may not be the best and most effective exercise to build your core. If you are doing crunches and sit-ups every day with the hope of getting sexy six-packs, then you might be wasting your efforts."

Core training is more than about having a six-pack shredded stomach. A stronger core improves stability, reduces injury and maintains mobility.

But how you can make your core stronger? What should you do instead of crunches?

While it is common for people to choose crunches as the best abdominal exercise, planks are a great alternative.

Here, we discuss everything you need to know about planks and how they can help you keep your tummy not tighter, but leaner as well.

How to do planks?

Planks are easy to learn but are quite tough to perform. A completely holding exercise such as the plank might be a challenging task for you in the beginning.

High plank: Get into the push but position. Ensure that your palms and toes are firmly planted on the ground and keep your back straight and your core tight. Do not compromise with the form, a saggy back during planks can result in lower back pain later on.

Low plank: Lower down on your forearm, maintaining the same position as high planks.

Side planks: Side planks are great for training side abdominals and strengthening your spine.

  • Lie down on your left side, propping yourself up onto your right forearm. Your elbow should be in line with your shoulder.
  • Raise your hips, forming a straight line with the floor.
  • After completing one side, repeat on the other side.

Benefits of planks

Plank targets the entire core: While crunches mainly target your upper abdominals, planks engage the entire core muscle group. A plank workout incorporates your arms, legs, and abs, making it one of the most efficient exercises.

Improves your posture: Planks can help improve your posture, particularly for those with sedentary jobs. Practising planks regularly will help you keep your shoulders back and lower back in a neutral position — two key components of good posture.

Easy to modify: Planks are easy to modify. While the classic plank is the best form to practice, you can challenge yourself by dropping your elbows or increasing the duration gradually. Start with 15-30 seconds and increase your time, over time.


With your newfound plank skills, you're ready to get some killer abs!

Strengthening your core will increase your athletic performance and everyday capabilities.

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