How Does Massage Help To Grow Muscles?

How Does Massage Help To Grow Muscles?

Here we discuss some of the benefits of massage therapy for muscle growth. The effectiveness of your workout, calorie burn, and muscle development hinges upon how effectively you recover from the previous day's session. Notably, recovery rates differ from one individual to another.

How Does Massage Help To Grow Muscles and What Impacts Recovery?

Numerous factors influence recovery, including genetics, age, training history, injury history, workout intensity and frequency, sleep quality, stress levels, and dietary protein intake. Even with all these factors in check, some individuals may struggle with post-workout fatigue and may not see the anticipated results.

While some turn to active recovery methods like yoga, stretching, or foam rolling, these approaches can sometimes diminish our recovery capacity, especially when we're not well-acquainted with them. An incredibly restorative alternative, which requires zero effort from the individual and can enhance muscle growth and gym performance, is massage therapy.

Here we discuss some of the benefits of massage therapy for muscle growth.

Acts as a medicine: Rigorous workouts, be it intensive resistance training or enduring cardio sessions, often lead to muscle soreness. This discomfort can hinder the subsequent day's training. Acting as a natural pain reliever, massage therapy alleviates these aches, enabling peak performance.  

Enhanced sleep quality: Getting enough sleep is the most important thing for a good recovery. It also helps to achieve fat loss and gain more muscles. Study says that getting a massage improves both the quality and duration of sleep.

Improved circulation: Blood plays a pivotal role in our body, transporting essential nutrients such as oxygen, glucose, and amino acids. These are crucial for not only building and repairing muscle tissue but also performing the basic functions of life. Research suggests massage therapy can bolster circulation, thus easing muscle soreness.

Accelerates recovery: Recovery is vital for the consistency of the workout. Good sleep, better circulation and a complete diet are crucial for good recovery. As highlighted earlier, massage therapy expedites recovery by ameliorating sleep and circulation. By alleviating body tension, both mentally and physically, massages can further hasten the recovery process.


When it comes to recovery from training and building stronger and bigger muscles, things like stretching, yoga, foam rolling etc are mostly recommended. However, massage therapy presents distinctive recuperative and growth advantages. So the next time you're battling soreness and stiffness, consider integrating massage therapy into your recovery regimen. It might just be the "secret weapon" you've been seeking.