8 Exercises To Train Every Inch Of Your Body

8 Exercises To Train Every Inch Of Your Body

Exercising is important. Exercising is really important. It helps elevate your mood, strengthen your body and improve your health. Working out regularly is the ultimate form of self-care.

Despite knowing that exercise is important for our health, we are often discouraged from exercising because of a lack of motivation, improper guidance and busy schedules.

If it is a matter of busy schedule and you are running short on time, don’t worry!

These 8 at-home exercises are good for you to train every inch of your body.

Squat: Squat is the best exercise that you can do at home. It primarily involves your lower body. Squat not only helps you to tone your legs, but it also helps to improve posture too.


  • Start with standing straight, place your feet and shoulders apart with your toes slightly turned outward.
  • Sit down by bending your knees and hips and sticking your butt back. Then return to the neutral position.
  • Keep your back in an arch position.

Lunge: Lunge either stationary, static or walking is good to train your gluteal part. Additionally, it helps to improve your balancing technique by straightening pelvic muscles.


  • Begin by standing straight, with one leg positioned forward.
  • Lower your body until your knees are close to the ground, then return to the starting position.
  • Maintain a slightly arched back throughout the exercise.

Push-ups: Without any doubt, push-ups are the most common workout across the world. Suppose you’re not doing anything, you should at least do push-ups to stay fit. Push-ups are great exercises to train your pectoral muscles (chest). Additionally, because it is a pushing movement it involves the triceps and shoulders as the secondary muscles.


  • Start in the push-up position.
  • Lower down until your upper arms are parallel to the ground. Push back to the starting position.
  • Keep your back always arched.
  • Inhale when you go down and exhale when you push up.

Plank: Planks are quite an easy workout at any fitness level. You can start from full plank if you are a beginner. Plank is an excellent movement to improve your posture and it also helps to strengthen your core muscles.


  • Start with a plank position. Keep your back straight.
  • Your body should form a straight line from head to feet.

Crunches: Crunches are at all times the best exercise to train your abdominals. It mainly targets the upper 4 packs.


  • Start with lying down straight on the floor.
  • Place your arms straight down the floor.
  • Lift your neck and squeeze your stomach.
  • Slowly return to the neutral position.

Jumping Jack: Jumping Jack is a good calorie-burning workout.


  • Stand with your feet together and your arms at your sides.
  • Jump with your feet apart and your arms over your head in an arching motion.
  • Then simply return to the starting position.

Burpee: Burpee is an explosive exercise that gives you a good amount of weight loss. Even one to two sets of burpees burn a lot of calories and give you an ideal weight loss.


  • Start with a standing position. Then go down to a squat position with your knees bent, back straight, and your feet about shoulder-width apart.
  • Go down drop your hands on the floor and Kick your legs back into a high plank position.
  • Lower toward the ground and rise back to a high plank.
  • Return to a squat position.

Glute bridge: Glute bridge targets your gluteal part and lower back. As a beginner, it is an easy exercise to kick-start your fitness journey, i.e. Fitourney.


  • Lie down straight on your back, arms straight and knees bent.
  • Pushing with your feet, keeping your lower back arched, lift your buttock off the ground until your glutes are fully extended.
  • Slowly get back to the neutral position and repeat.

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