Simple Carbs Or Complex Carbs, What You Should Choose?

Simple Carbs Or Complex Carbs, What You Should Choose?

Simple carbs or complex carbs, what you should choose? Carbohydrates are the most discussed topic in the nutritional world, often receiving a bad reputation. They are frequently blamed when people gain weight, but are they the real culprit?

Yes, it is true because there are some bad carbs, but not all carbs are bad. Carbs are the primary fuel for your body.

Simple carbs are considered bad while complex carbs are good for your body.

Simple carbohydrates

Simple carbs are fast to digest and make you feel hungry sooner. Due to quick digestion, they cause spikes in blood sugar levels. Short-term fullness causes overeating, weight gain, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

Popular simple carbs food:

  • White bread
  • Pasta
  • White rice
  • Pastries

Complex carbohydrates

Complex carbs are slow to digest. They have nutritional layers of bran and fibres that make them slow digestive. Because of slow digestion glucose is released gradually, preventing blood sugar spikes.

Popular complex carbs food:

  • Whole grain bread or pasta
  • Brown rice
  • Oatmeal
  • Whole grain cereal

Carbohydrates are further divided into three more categories: fibres, starches and sugars.

Fibres: Fibre comes from plant-based foods. They are complex carbs, which means slow to digest. Fibre helps to digest other nutrients and helps you feel full longer, preventing overeating.

Popular foods with fibres:

  • Fruits and vegetables with skin
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Whole grains such as quinoa and oats

Starches: Starches are also complex carbs and hence slow to digest. They work similar to fibres. They also provide vitamins and minerals.

Popular food with starches:

  • Potatoes
  • Legumes and peas
  • Fruits

Sugars: Sugars are of two types natural and added. Both sugars are simple carbs and hence they are slow digestive. Eating fruits provides you with natural sugar while eating food like candy, soft drinks provides you with added sugar.

Why you should choose healthy carbs?

Now when you are clear about healthy and unhealthy carbs, it is easy for you to choose your best option. Carbs are your body’s primary source of fuel and a lack of healthy carbs can be detrimental to your health.

Carbs provide fuel to the brain, kidneys, heart muscles, central nervous system and digestive system. A diet without carbs leads to headaches, fatigue, weakness, nausea, constipation and vitamin and mineral deficiency.

Fuelling your body with carbs will help your body to function healthily. Excess amounts of carbs are stored in the liver and muscles. Your body uses that storage if you don’t get enough carbs later.

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