Reconsidering Unhealthy Foods: A New Perspective

Reconsidering Unhealthy Foods: A New Perspective

Here is a new perspective for reconsidering Unhealthy Foods

"A healthy outside starts from the inside." - Robert Urich

What we eat throughout the day matters a lot. Eating a nutritious diet is very crucial for a healthy lifestyle. A nutritious diet means a diet with proper macro and micronutrients.

When we discuss food choices, we categorize them into healthy and unhealthy diets. But are you sure that the food you eat is healthy and the ones you consider unhealthy are really unhealthy?

The Internet is full of pieces of information. And because there is so much information out there, we become confused and make mistakes when it comes to our diet. One common mistake we make while preparing a diet is to neglect some food options considering them as bad. But the truth is, they are highly nutritious and possess several health benefits too.

Here we discuss some food options you might consider in your diet to get better results.

White Rice: Today people consider white rice bad for weight management and replace it with brown rice and millet. We all know brown rice and millet have several health benefits, but that doesn’t lessen the goodness of white rice. White rice is gluten-free and a good source of simple carbohydrates which means it is a fast digestive food option. It helps to get quick energy.

These factors are enough to add white rice to your diet but in moderate quantity. A small portion twice a week could be a better option to consume white rice.

(White rice with daal is the perfect nutritional meal, as it contains carbohydrates and protein. carbohydrate from rice and protein from daal.)

Egg yolk: Do you also throw away the yolk while eating eggs? If yes, then stop doing that right now!

Egg yolk is a good source of several vitamins, calcium, iron, potassium and magnesium. A full egg contains 6gm of protein, out of which 2.7 gm comes from egg yolk. One egg yolk also contains 184 mg of cholesterol, which is quite bad for health. But when consumed in limited quantity with egg whites, egg yolk is a healthy and tasty option.

Potatoes: Potatoes are the most commonly available food option in every kitchen. It is easy to get and inexpensive. Despite its ease of availability, most of us consider potatoes a bad food option because of their starch content. People think potatoes will make them fat and heavier.

But the reality is totally opposite, as it contains several vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and a lot of fibre. If consumed in the right portions, potatoes are good for health.

Banana: Banana is a source of simple carbohydrate. Simple carbohydrate means it is fast digestive and hence we think it will result in weight gain. But banana is considered a golden fruit. It is available 365 days and it is also inexpensive. Bananas are a good source of several vitamins, potassium, fibre and magnesium.

Bananas are fast digestive hence they also help to get quick energy. Breakfast, pre-workout and post-workout are the best times one can consume bananas.

Chocolates: Chocolates are not unhealthy. It all depends on what type of chocolates are we consuming. Normal chocolate is bad as it contains a lot of artificial sugar. While dark chocolate is good to consume as it contains antioxidants, zinc, magnesium, calcium and several other nutrients. It also helps to feel good and gives energy throughout the day.


A good diet is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. Before we choose any food option in our diet, it is important to check their nutritional facts. A diet with proper macro and micronutrients leads you to a healthy life and you can achieve your desired result with ease.