Why Exercising Executives Is Important

Why is it crucial for executives to engage in exercise?

Being an executive or professional means working a minimum of 8-9 hours a day and it is hard to get time for personal health and wellness.

The majority of us hold demanding jobs and work longer than 8 hours a day. In most cases, professionals and executives work a minimum of 8 hours per day and rarely get some time besides work. There are many professionals and executives who prefer to rest during their downtime due to the limited time they have away from their jobs. A common tendency in their lifestyle is to prioritize work over their lifestyle and health.

As we all know regular exercising is good for health, but many of us still experience a lack of motivation to start exercising. Adapting a proper exercise routine can help an executive to improve their lifestyle, and that directly helps to improve the quality and productivity of work. It is likely that you have heard all of these before, but you still are prioritizing work, then consider the numerous benefits that exercise can have on your productivity, the quality of your work, as well as the success of your business.

The impact on the productivity of your work after adopting a regular exercise plan should be sufficient to motivate you to make a lifestyle change RIGHT NOW!

Why is it so important for people to incorporate physical activity into their daily lives? Many working professionals or executives have sitting jobs on the computer or laptop for long hours throughout the day. Sitting in a particular position for an extended period of time may lead you to postural problems. One of the most common problems arising from long hours of sitting is KYPHOSIS. Kyphosis simply means an excessive forward rounding of the upper back, resulting in constant joint and muscular pain. Exercising regularly helps an individual to strengthen the back muscles which helps to reduce the chance of getting a kyphotic posture. In addition to regular exercise, taking regular breaks helps to get better posture.

Regular exercise helps working professionals increase their productivity at work by reducing stress and improving alertness and concentration. Exercise stimulates the release of endorphins, which are hormones that are secreted by the brain and nervous system in order to reduce stress while improving your ability to sleep. In addition, endorphins enhance positive mood states and also contribute to your mental well-being. Exercise helps to improve the immune system, resulting in a reduced number of sick leaves, as the costs of employees with poor health can be measured in terms of productivity losses.

How can you incorporate exercise into your daily routine?

The national physical activity guidelines recommend an individual undertake 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity exercising per week, while also completing strength training on at least two days per week. Joining a local gym, being supervised by an exercise physiologist, or seeing a certified personal trainer is a smart way to ensure you undertake a suitable exercise program. However, if you are still struggling to get some time, there are ways you can begin exercising in the workplace:

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator. It helps in burning a sufficient amount of calories and strengthens leg muscles.
  • Incorporating standing desks into the workplace helps reduce the chance of poor posture.
  • A walk meeting is a great idea and should be initiated.
  • Implement exercise programs in the workplace.

It is important to understand that no matter how busy we are, it is imperative we find ways to exercise on a daily basis to improve our lifestyle and increase productivity and quality of work. Exercising on a regular basis helps create a healthy work-life balance.