How Do You Fight Fatigue?

How Do You Fight Fatigue?

Feeling fatigued?

The chaotic world we live in makes it common for people to get fatigued. Office work, household chores and other day-to-day tasks keep you so busy that you don't get time to take care of yourself.

Our busy life may be one the main reasons behind feeling low in energy, but it is not easy to figure out the exact reason. If you are feeling tired constantly for no reason, you should schedule an appointment with your doctor.

Unusual fever, headache and unexplained pain are symptoms that this is something more serious than usual tiredness.

Here we discuss some simple changes you can incorporate to fight fatigue in your life.

Exercise regularly

Exercising regularly is the best thing that you can do to fight fatigue. It helps to boost endorphins which helps to improve energy levels in your body. Exercising every day elevates the dopamine levels in your body which is the "feel-good" hormone or "happy hormone." Feeling good makes you feel less fatigued.

Get quality sleep

Sleep is the main ingredient to feel energised throughout the day. To get quality sleep you must do some stretches before going to bed. Restrict your digital world at least two hours before your bedtime. Keep your sleep area clean and set your comfortable temperature to get quality sleep.

Consume a balanced diet

A balanced diet is directly responsible for your energy levels. Make sure you eat all essential macros and micros in your diet. Focus on protein, complex carbs, good fats, minerals and vitamins in your diet. Do not forget to involve fibres in your diet as it promotes healthy digestion, which helps to clear and cleanse your body.

Restrict caffeine

Caffeine is well known for its initial boost of energy. However once the effect wears off, it may leave you feeling exhausted. Restricting your caffeine intake helps you in the long run and keeps you energised. Avoid caffeine at least 3-4 hours before bed to get quality sleep.

Manage your stress

Stress is the biggest culprit for your mental and physical health. It directly affects your energy levels. Stress hormones affect your sleep, different body systems and overall health. Yoga, meditation, having a massage or reading a favourite book are some practices you can follow to manage stress levels in your life.

Quit smoking

Smoking reduces your energy level by affecting your respiratory system. Quitting smoking also improves your oxygen levels. As a result, you will feel more energised throughout the day. With the doctor’s consultation, one can start medication that helps to quit smoking.


Make small lifestyle changes to improve your energy levels. It’s good if you are already following the above tips, but if not then start changing your schedule from today. Go gradually and start with what is most appealing to you. Over some time you will see the positive changes in your lifestyle.

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